Handbooks and Students Conduct
UA Student Handbook
The Student Handbook offers the University community information about academic policies, appellant and grievances, and a number of resources, services, policies, and procedures.Nutrition Student Handbook
The Nutrition Student Handbook offers information about the program, admissions, student support services, policies, professional requirements and student associations.Student Conduct
Student Conduct adjudicates cases arising from student non-academic misconduct and develops students in a manner that provides a foundation for success and responsible citizenship.Standard Approach for Resolution of Student Concerns
If concerns arise, students are encouraged to communicate with the instructor or staff member who is directly involved with the concern. Usually the concern can be resolved satisfactorily through honest and open communication with the faculty or staff member. Meeting with the instructor or staff member should be the first step in resolving the concern.
However, if informal discussions have not yielded a satisfactory resolution, or where the matter is more serious, the student may bring the concern to the Assistant Department Chair. Should the Assistant Department Chair not be able to come to a satisfactory resolution, they will direct the student on the next steps to move the concern to the next level.
If you would like information about the formal grievance process you may view the student handbook here.
Title IX
The Office of Title IX Coordinator oversees the University’s compliance with Title IXof the Education Amendments of 1972. The Office works with University Administration, departments, students, faculty, staff, campus police, and other support services to ensure that University policies and programs foster a campus community free of illegal gender discrimination and sexual violence.
What is Title IX?
No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a comprehensive federal law that prohibits discrimination based on the gender of students and employees of educational institutions that receive federal financial assistance.
Conduct Covered by Title IX
The University of Alabama (“the University” or “UA”) is committed to providing an environment free from sexual misconduct which includes gender-based assault, harassment, exploitation, dating and domestic violence, stalking, as well as discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression, and related retaliation (collectively referred to as “Prohibited Conduct”).
For more information about Title IX, visit their website or call the Title IX office at (205) 348-8234
Support and Student Safety
The Division of Student Life at The University of Alabama provides intentional programs and support services designed to maximize student learning. We know that students are constantly learning beyond the classroom, and our programs complement academic pursuits, support well-being, and promote student development.

Counseling Center
The Counseling Center helps students achieve academic success and personal growth through quality counseling and psychological services, outreach, and consultative services. https://counseling.sa.ua.edu
(205) 348-3863

Student Care and Well-Being
Student Care and Well-Being provides case management and advocacy services to students in need of support and assistance during times of crisis. https://bamacares.sa.ua.edu
(205) 348-2461

Dean of Students
The Dean of Students Office provides support and guidance to all students with an emphasis on inclusivity, advocacy, and student empowerment. https://dos.sa.ua.edu
(205) 348-3326